Florida Seniors Health Insurance Offers Dental Insurance & Discount Plans

Florida Dental Plans
Dental Insurance & Dental Discount Plans in Boynton Beach

Boynton Beach Dental Plans Vary in How Much They Cost and How They Work.

Why Medicare Beneficiaries may need a Supplemental Dental Plan:

Medicare doesn’t cover most dental care. That is unless the care is the result of a medical condition.

If you enroll in a Medicare Advantage Plan, your plan will likely include some dental coverage. However, the benefit may be limited to preventive dental work such as regular check-ups, cleanings, and x-ray. As a result, you may need additional dental coverage.

You can improve your dental coverage by enrolling in either a dental insurance or dental discount plan recommended by Florida Seniors Health Insurance.

How Boynton Beach Dental Insurance Works:

  • This is how dental insurance plans work.  The most common types of dental insurance plans are Dental Maintenance Organizations, DMOs, and Preferred Provider Organizations, PPOs.
  • Like an HMO, in a DMO, you need to use a dentist from their contracted network. You will need to get referrals from their dentist to a specialist. Unfortunately, many dentists won’t accept the DMO because they are paid less.
  • On the other hand, PPOs are more popular with dentists because they are paid more for their services. You don’t hve to choose a dentist and you can use a dentist out of network. In that case, the plan with still pay them for their services.
  •  Dental PPOs have a  small calendar year deductible that you need to pay before the plan will cover your services.   After you pay the deductible, you will pay a percent of services. The most common coverage is 100-80-50. Preventive care, such as cleanings are usually covered at 100%,  basic services are covered at 80% and major services  such as periodontal work are covered at 50%.
  • In addition, the plans have an annual maximum benefit that they will cover.  The maximum can range from $1,000-$2,500 or more. The higher the plan benefit the more you will pay in premiums.
  • Finally, most plans have waiting periods before they will cover expensive services. In some case, you will need to wait 12 months for a major procedure.

How Boynton Beach Dental Discount Plans Work:

  • When you enroll in a Dental Discount Plan, The dentist offer you a significant discount on his services.
  • The benefit to you is there is immediate coverage for all procedures. The office will have a separate price list for members of a discount plan, which is like the price list  when you are shopping at Costco vs. shopping at a typical grocery store.
  • You will not be charged deductibles,  there are no waiting periods or maximum annual benefits.
  • Finally, you will pay a lower annual premium than if you enroll in a dental insurance plan.
  • Therefore, your total costs will be lower.
  • If you enroll in a Dental Insurance or Savings Plan from one of the links below, I earn a small commission, and there is no extra charge to you.
  • You can view the plans at this link: Dental Discount Plans
  • You can view dental insurance plans at this link: Dental Insurance Plans

Do you have questions or would you like to enroll in a Boynton Beach Dental Plan? Florida Seniors Health Insurance will find the best plan for you.

Renee Lempert,Florida Seniors HealthInsurance Agent
Renee Lempert, Florida Seniors Health nsurance Agent
Talk with Renee Lempert Now
(561) 704-9302 or use the Contact Form!

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